India Gate
Rozana Basmati Rice / Chawal
₹ 429.00
Quality Assurance
In the unlikely event of damaged, expired or different/wrong item delivered to you, you can reject delivery of that item at doorstep or bring the item along with invoice to your nearest store within days of order delivery. We will provide refund or replacement. T&C apply.
Compare With
India Gate
Rozana Basmati Rice / Chawal
₹ 429.00
Key features
Grain Length - Pre Cooking is 6.25 mm &Post Cooking is 11.88 mm
5 kg Pouch
First Crop
Dubar Basmati Rice / Chawal (Broken Basmati)
₹ 349.00
Key features
Grain Length - Pre Cooking is 5.5 mm & After Cooking 9 mm to 10 mm. Aromatic Basmati Rice, Best for everyday use
5 kg Pouch